Saturday, May 9, 2009

Some cute little pics of Emma. Here is a link to the video.

Emma playing in the sink with Kiersten.

Emma stop watching tv and pay attention.

What a good little Mother.
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Yard Clean Up!

This is an engine block that I dragged from the back corner of our backyard. It was all the 4-wheeler could do to pull it to the front. April and I are really enjoying our new home even though it is alot of work.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Emma and I Venture Out in Homemaking Clothes

I've been neglecting the blog. It was fun at first but now it just another thing to check off on my never ending list. I have to brag a little today though. I cleaned the whole bathroom, mopped the kitchen floor, did the dishes, went grocery shopping, took a bath, shaved my legs, AND got dressed all before NOON! If you consider the fact that my bathroom is really small and my kitchen floor is only about ten square feet (if that) and that my hair still isn't done, it doesn't seem like such a big feat. Not to mention that the carpets still need to be vacuumed and Emma isn't dressed either. Well, so much for bragging. But to my credit Emma would be dressed by now if she hadn't fallen asleep.

I went to the store today in my homemaking clothes. "Homemaking clothes" is a nice phrase for old shorts (with stains right on the seat) and a large, old t-shirt. I ran out of laundry detergent this morning and I had two loads of laundry waiting to be done. So I decided to run to the store before I bathed so I could get the laundry going. Emma went along in her pajamas: a onesie with blue, red, and green hearts on it. It seems like I always go to the store in old, grubby clothes and no makeup and then the whole world ends up being there and I have to duck down the aisles so no one will see me looking so bad. That's what I was doing today when I heard a voice from behind call my name. Well what do you know? An old acquaintance wanting to see Emma. Ugh. I wish I could crawl under the bananas I'm examining. I cling to the hope that I really do blend in with the bananas. No such luck. She comes to coo over the baby. Poor Emma, she doesn't have a stitch of pink on her and so of course she has to endure, "What a sweet baby! HE'S growing so fast!" I cringe and I think the lady notices because she corrects herself, thank goodness. She looks me up and down next and says, "You're skinny." Uh, thanks, I think. I scuttle away in shame. If only Emma had been dressed in her "I'm not a boy" onesie and I had showered, put on decent clothes and some makeup. Will I never learn? Probably not.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pictures of Trevor's Great-Great-Uncle's Cabin

We went to Chesterfield a few days ago. Chesterfield is an old Mormon pioneer town in Idaho that is in the process of being restored. There are log cabins, brick homes, a store, a church, and a cultural hall. It's probably about an hour and a half drive from here but definitely worth the time it takes to get there.

We even found out Trevor's Great-Great-Uncle had a cabin there. Amazing! We had no idea we had ties to anyone there. The pictures are of his cabin. We forgot to take our camera with us on the tour so we don't have any pictures of the inside or of any of the other buildings. These pictures were taken after our tour. They keep the buildings locked up to discourage thieves so we couldn't go back in any of them.

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Emma's Sunday Dress

These are a few pictures of Emma in her Sunday dress and her new little outfit from Grandma. These are also the first really good pictures of her smile. Before she was too busy wondering what the camera was to smile. She's a charmer. She actually slept through most of church today. She went three and a half hours without eating. That's about how long she goes at night too. She ate some cereal with pears in it last night and I was hoping that would help her sleep but it didn't. She slept for three hours before getting up to eat. At least we finally got her to eat the pear cereal. She wouldn't eat anything but applesauce and that made her stomach upset. So we were pretty happy that she finally started eating something besides applesauce.

She's trying to help me type so I'll cut this short. Hope you enjoy her pretty smile!!

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Emma's Big Day at the Beach

Here's a picture of Emma at Bear Lake last Tuesday. It was taken right before she put her sand covered hand in her mouth. She had a lot of fun playing in the water. She is growing so fast. The other day I saw a tiny baby and it was so hard to believe that Emma was ever that small.!
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Monday, June 2, 2008

Willow Springs

Below are some new pics. The first two are of Emma in her little outfit made by her Grandma Nielsen and her great-Grandma (Emma) Jensen. Great-Grandma did the stitching around the neck. Emma is all-girl with her lacey outfit and a bow in her hair!

The next pictures are of our hike up to Willow Springs, the source of Cub River. We went up there this morning. It was a beautiful hike! The weather was perfect. Most of the trail was dry. There was one spot where there was water running down the trail and then there was another spot where there was still a little bit of snow. But for the most part it was perfect.

I think Emma is going to get dragged around a lot this summer. We love to explore new territory and Emma is just going to have to keep up with us. She's learning young to love the outdoors!

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

May....or is it March?

I'm typing one-handed again. Here it is May 1st, and it's snowing. Is anyone concerned about this besides me? The temperature has risen to a scorching forty-four degrees outside but this morning when I got up it was thirty-seven. I remember back in the day, before global warming of course, when it was actually seventy and eighty degrees in May. I guess we still have the whole month ahead of us. It just isn't a very encouraging start.

Emma has been so good to sleep for about six hours every night and then go right back to sleep for a couple more hours after eating except for the past two nights. I don't know what happened but now she's sleeping for about five hours and then she wants to stay awake after that. I hope this doesn't become a habit. Actually, I really shouldn't complain because five hours is pretty good since Emma's only two months old. When I was dating Trevor I only got about five hours of sleep every night. It's amazing how little sleep you can live on when you're in love. If only I still had all that energy!

Well, I guess we're going to go pick up my bike, having faith that someday summer will come. Trevor got a new bike yesterday. I guess we did exactly what the government wanted us to do with our tax return check---WE SPENT IT!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Harriet's Happenings

I was sitting here wondering what to do (besides all the housework that needs to be done) and I realized I hadn't written on the blog for a long time. We took Emma for a walk today. The weather was BEAUTIFUL!!! We walked to the library just so Emma could spit up on Grandma Rasmussen. For some strange reason, she loves to spit up on Grandma Rasmussen. A visit isn't complete without a little regurgitation. Then we came home and sat on Dad's new four wheeler so that Emma could get a feel for it. I think she's ready to drive.

Emma's growing so fast, it makes me a little bit sad. Well, not sad really but it makes me want to have another baby! I know, CRAZY!! Everyone says you forget about all the negative aspects of pregnancy, labor, and caring for a newborn----they're right! You forget everything except for how wonderful it was. Something in your brain tricks you into thinking that pregnancy and childbirth are the most wonderful things in the whole world. You start to think you won't be fulfilled until you have another baby....or two....or three....fifteen, here we come! Darn those womanly hormones! They get me every time. Ugh.

Hmm....moving on. We've been taking Emma to the chiropractor for her neck. We went today and she wasn't too happy about it. No smiles for the doctor today! But hopefully it will help.

Well, that's all for now. I've got to figure out something nutritious to eat for dinner. I never know what to make. Maybe I'll whip up a nice bowl of cereal.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Emma's First Shots!! :(

Emma went to get her first set of shots today. I think she knew where she was headed. As soon as I started to get her dressed, she started to cry and she didn't stop until after we left the health department. They gave her three shots in her hips and some oral drops too. She was crying so she choked on the drops. And that was before she even got the shots. It was so hard to let them give her the shots. I want her to be healthy but it seems so mean to stick inch-long needles in her legs. Poor little girl.

I had to drive around town for a little while before she calmed down and went to sleep. Then we went to the grocery store to get a few things. She woke up on the way home and would cry out every few minutes. I was hurrying to get everything inside so that I could feed her and I ended up dropping a gallon of milk on our CARPET in the front room! So she was fussing in her carseat while I was cleaning up half a gallon of spilled milk and Trevor was sleeping on the couch. He woke up when I spilled the milk but rolled over and went back to sleep. So obviously I didn't need to worry too much about waking him. I finally got Emma fed and gave her some tylenol. She did okay until about four o'clock. Her little leg was hot, red, and swollen. Poor little kid! Every time she moved it she would cry as hard as she could. I'd just get her calmed down after one crying spell and she'd move her leg and we'd start all over again. I put a cold washcloth on it and that worked wonders. Within half an hour the swelling had gone down and the redness disappeared. She was much happier after that too. I gave her some more tylenol and now she's sleeping away. The tylenol makes her drowsy. She has slept so much today, I don't know if she'll sleep tonight but I don't have the heart to try to keep her awake. She's had such a rough day. And tomorrow she has to go to the doctor for her two month checkup. Yea. Poor kid. It's so hard to grow up. I told Trevor, if I could choose between being a kid again and being where I'm at now, I'd stay where I'm at now. Being a kid was fine but I'm glad I'm past that stage!

In other news......Trevor got me an early birthday present. It was very generous of him, seeing as how he really, REALLY wanted it for himself! He gave me an MP3 player. I LOVE it! It's my first MP3 player and it's so handy. He's going to have to get one for himself! And then he'll have to get one for Emma too!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

If Only I Could Feed Her In My Sleep....

Trevor and I went for a drive last night. We were trying to find at least one four-wheeling trail that isn't buried in snow. We didn't have any luck. I'm really glad we had a good winter with a lot of snow. We really need it for our lakes and our crops. But right now I'm SO tired of seeing snow everywhere. Okay, it has pretty much melted off down here but there is still a TON in the mountains. Every time I look at them, I get discouraged! It'll be the end of May AT LEAST before we can really get up anywhere! Actually, that's not true. I underestimate Trevor's determination and recklessness. :) If anyone can get through the snow drifts, he can. He'll read this and say, "We'll be able to ride in the hills before the end of May!" and then he'll say, "I'm not reckless, I'm skilled." And I'll say, "You'll try your hardest to get up there, even if we can't. And you may have a lot of practice driving in snow but it scares the stuffing out of me when your testosterone levels start to spike!" And he'll shake his head at me and tell me that I worry too much and I just need to TRUST HIM! He's probably right to some extent. I do worry too much. But I have a reason to worry now. I have a baby at home and she needs her mommy and daddy---alive. So I'll continue to be the voice of reason that whispers in his ear and he'll continue to get as many thrills and adrenaline rushes as he can.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. So we went for a ride last night in Old Blue. It was a nice ride. Until we encountered snow drifts across the road. We were so close to the end of the road but we didn't quite make it. Trevor wanted to keep going but we didn't want to get stuck. So we turned around and came back. Much to my relief. We had the four wheeler in the back of the truck but I wasn't dressed for four-wheeling. I should know by now that when we go for a ride, I need to come prepared to get out and get dirty. But it was our first ride of the season so I wasn't prepared.

I've really strayed from the title of this post. My mind wanders sometimes. Okay, it runs a marathon everyday! Anyway, back to the point of this post. I was pretty tired last night when we got home. I got Emma to go to sleep at about 12:30. I laid her in her car seat, which was sitting next to me on the bed. Then I laid down and went to sleep. I don't know what happened after that but when I woke up at five, I was holding Emma. So at some point I must have taken her out of her car seat. But I slept through it. Now what I really want to know is, why don't I feed her and change her in my sleep too. Heck, why don't I clean the apartment and cook meals in my sleep too!? Honestly. Then again, maybe I do and I don't know it. Well, I know I don't cook and clean in my sleep! When I wake up the apartment is still dirty and my stomach is growling. But maybe I feed her and I don't know it. No, I know I don't feed her in my sleep too. I don't think I need to go into details on that.

So anyway, Emma must have been a little fussy and I picked her up in my sleep. Or maybe I just picked her up for no reason at all. It's such a weird feeling to not be able to remember doing something. I just can't imagine what happened. Maybe Emma hopped out of her car seat and climbed into my arms. You never know.......

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pictures of the Week

I have updated Emma's Web Album and these are just a few of my favorites.
If you want to see more just go to

I think the blessing went rather well considering that I was pretty nervous. Emma was really good. Ted also gave a wonderful talk and I wish him well.

I hope that our family pictures turn out good. Well that is my piece for the week.
Maybe I will have some more pictures to update next week too. Bye.

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